Logotipo Cervantes Spanish School


We offer you options to have a great staying experience in Guatemala

1st floor
3rd Floor
Private bath
(1st floor)
1 night1 person Q80
2 people Q140
1 person Q90
2 people Q160
1 person Q100
2 people Q150
1 week1 person Q300
2 people Q500
1 person Q350
2 people Q550
1 person Q375
2 people Q600
1 month1 person single Q1000
1 person full Q1100
2 people Q1600
1 person single Q1100
1 person full Q1250
2 people Q1800
1 person single Q1200
1 person full Q1400
2 people Q2000

The address is 6ª Calle “A” 0-142 zona 4 Colonia CERES R.L. Quetzaltenango.

Our phone number is (+502)4348-0044, you can also send a message via WhatsApp.

The rooms are immaculately clean. Hot showers (on demand gas water heater) and squeaky clean bathrooms will make your stay with us comfortable and memorable.

Some of the guests start their day by taking an hour or two of Spanish from one of our private teachers. You are also invited to join the students on their always changing outdoor activities or perhaps visit one of our Friday afternoon pot luck lunch. However if you are just looking for a safe clean private place to rest up and be comfortable that is easy on your pocketbook you have found it.

Please have a look at the pictures above. If you have any questions please call us. We recommend that you make reservations ahead of time but please do not let that stop you from coming in for a visit.